
Friday 5 February 2010

Right to Education

There are many things in the West here that left me really impressed on my arrival here. While wastage of power and water left me appalled, certain practices were very impressive. The easy accessibility to basic necessities of life like water and power for instance. It is so unlike the situation in developing countries where even nature's bounty like water cannot be taken for granted, and is a part of everyday struggle for the majority of people. However, what has impressed me the most is the ''right of people to education''. Everybody has the right to education. We say the same words in India too but they are more like a war cry or a protest slogan....there is desperation inherent in it....but here in France, my current but temperory country of residence, it is a statement of fact as cool and natural as a human's right to breathe, and education is as accessible as the air we breathe in.

Check this out....For every few houses here in France, there is a school in the neighbourhood which cannot deny the children of these houses admission. These are state run schools which do not charge fees and have education levels at par with the best anywhere in the world. The proof of their efficiency is that the majority of french children go to these schools unlike in our country where anybody with any means doesnot want to send their children to government -schools because the standards of education and maintainence are so deplorable. I have no problem with private schools, they are necessary in the current Indian scenario. My problem is with the poor priority that education has in our system and our mindsets....there are enough slogans and claims but most are political....Concrete actions and time are the true tests of priorities, and unfortunately, poor government -school standards reflect the truth which no amount of slogans can hide.

Human mind is curious by nature and once exposed to knowledge attracts more knowledge.....this process is called 'EXPOSURE'...exposure to unlimited possibilities. Children in turn are God- blessed with natural curosity. It is nature's way of telling us that exposure to ''overall- development'' opportunities at that age through an ''overall- development'' based education system can put these children and hence their societes on a path wherein they will never have to look back. India clearly needs a dynamic rehaul of its education policy with primary education recieving special thought and consideration. While literacy is half a battle won, we need to be more ambitious so as to provide our children knowledge and not just rote learning in the name of education.

The world has always been in a turmoil for some reason or other. It has always been a boiling cauldron perpetually on heat. Different situations in different eras have called for different solutions and we need to be flexible to adopt those. In the present world troubled with terrorism, economy failures, poverty etc....I feel our best hope lies with education for children and financial sustainability for adults so that they do not end up pulling their children out of schools. Education in my eyes is like a buffer between man and disturbing influences which threaten to destabilise us again and again... Influences like communal and relegious incitations. Influences like desperations of hunger and poverty which in turn lead to crime. An educated mind exposed to limitless possibilities and alternate avenues, has the power to face these influences.

I do realise that development requires multi- pronged efforts. Not just in the field of education but also health, financial stability, self help initiatives etc....but if I were to lay my bets on one as a guarantee for a bright would be high quality education for one and all...especially children. My personal belief is that education, when given a chance, will be that tortoise from the tortoise and hare race, which can slowly but surely lead us to overcome most of our odds....and it would be a sustained victory.

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