
Sunday 12 April 2009

Celebrity Adoptions

As I hear about celebrity adoptions, namely celebrities wanting to adopt children from developing countries one after the other, I wonder what their purpose is after all? Is it genuine love or is it merely wanting to make a statement? Is it genuine desire to have that child call you Ma and Pa or is it something else? Even if it is a genuine desire to have a large family, are all desires justified in themselves irrespective of the context they are in?

Anybody who has even one child knows what it entails to be able to give that child a right balance of time, freedom education etc...and for both the parents to have a career as well, can be a real test at times....Gone are the days of huge broods, for extended families no longer exist, and if nannies could do all that parents are required to do then the very institution of family is doomed even before it has started emerging again.....

…...........and most importantly where do the adopted children stand in all this? Is adoption by a celebrity a guarantee of a non complexed childhood, is luxury the only prerequisite to growing up to be a sound adult? Obviously not, for otherwise we would not be having so many spoilt brats lacking love in the lap of luxury. If as a parent there is one reality that I acknowledge with all my heart, it is that the most important prerequisite to being a good parent is to give your child your time, in a fine balance of quality and quantity, the other prerequisites come later...

Adoption is no doubt a good deed. But dear friends, a good deed for wrong reasons doesn't remain a good deed anymore, it becomes a confused deed. Couples before adopting a child need to have their priorities straight, for nobody has the right to play with a young life. There can be any number of outlets for high ambitions, a number of outlets for excess money, number of outlets for wanting to do good deeds ( donations to orphanages or sponsoring children for example) but there can be no excuse for adopting a child for any reason except total sincerity, time and love. Adoption, just like giving birth is a huge responsibility, consequences of which go far beyond the tangible. It is a 'karma' which when goes wrong can lead to horibly twisted destinies and lives, but to a better world, if it goes right.

My advice to people wanting to adopt (celebrities especially for rules especially get broken when they are involved) '' Do not make a joke of adoption or parenthood...its a crime far worse than we can imagine. Understanding the concept of family goes far beyond the size of family. Give a child your name or get her into this world only when, if need be, you are ready to give up everything for that little one....and if thats too high a price to pay.... be sensible! and lead your life sensibly with whatever you have. Do not add to, what you cannot do justice to''.

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